Episode Synopsis . . .

Hi there! If you're in here, then you want to know all about what happened during 'Xyber 9: New Dawn', right? At least I hope that's what you're here for . . .

Oh well, even if you're not, here's my rather detailed synopsis of each episode. These are fairly long, and HTML-ed for your convenience (and for mine; I like using Composer for these things).

One warning: there are spoilers aplenty in these files!! All right, now Origin 3 is up . . . Heart of the Ancients is next on the list to be done . . .

Origin 1: New Acquaintances-- the very first ep, but was only shown in movie format along with the second ep. As this is the first ep, we meet most everyone of some importance here . . . Jack has a bit of an adventure at one of King Renard's encampments, but eventually winds up finding Xyber 9.

Origin 2: Enter Ikira-- Jack comes to Gaagol looking for a weapons master, but finds loads of Renard's soldiers and an old man named Ikira . . . could this old man be more than he appears?

Origin 3: First Impressions-- third ep of the intro; we meet Queen Tatania, fight around with King Renard a bit, and lines are drawn that lead into the rest of the series.

Heart of the Ancients-- The whole group goes searching for the 'Heart of the Ancients', an ancient computer that may give them needed data on the vault in the New Valley. And when dealing with ancient technology, you know Machestro and his underlings can't be too far away . . .

Queen Tatania-- Jack, Ana and Ikira deal with various troubles on board the HMS Independence . . . basically a lesson on why traitors/saboteurs really really suck.

Renard's Daughter-- Jack and company get the help of an unlikely ally while searching for a data bank on Renard's command ship. Is there girl trouble brewing? You bet your Xyber there is!

Trio-- Jack, Anakonda and Roselyn deal with Hammerons, Renard's soldiers, and nasty jungle creatures that want to eat them while journeying through the jungle to stop Machestro from activating the Ring of Thunder. In short, it's one long and dangerous trip!

The New Kingdom-- The group finds an artifact called the Seed of Light that can damage Machina technology; however, tensions between everyone threaten to drive the group apart. Jack thinks he's got a way to change all that . . .

The Golden Masquerade-- Jack, Willy and Mick go looking for the code key that'll get them into the New Valley's vault at one of Renard's bases, but somehow wind up on a treasure hunt with an old 'friend' of Mick's. Jack learns that treasure isn't really worth all that much . . .

Ikira's Secret-- Whoo-hoo, I finally got to see the whole damn ep! Anyway, Ikira's got one hell of a secret . . . but will the rest of the group still trust him once it's revealed?