It started as a quest to rid the world of the infamous head writer of the Sonic comics, but it soon became a quest to help Penders save the universe from evil . . . getting screwy already, eh? Well, I'll let the various logs and pictures tell the tale . . .
The original Kenders Epic .doc-- this is how it all started, folks! It's the log of all Kenders Epic posts over on the tSf board, and a bunch from the newer board . . .
Kenders Epic Logs!-- my current logs of the epic . . . a vast amount of files starting from where the .doc left off. In html format, for now at least.
Pics!-- Pics of the Legacy, and their friends and enemies . . . not much at the moment, but I'm hoping that'll change . . .
The Legacy--
members of the Kenders Legacy and their allies . . .
well, that's all for now!!