by Shadow Wolf75
Can't say I liked this job, but at least it's something to do . . .
Yeah, one of the bad things about limbo is that there's nothing to do . . . well, besides plotting your escape and making life harder for fellow prisoners that you disliked. Oh, and you can't forget the constant starship battles . . . hells, we're lucky the Raptor was in one piece by the time we got it outta limbo!
But I'm getting off on a tangent here . . . I'm too good at doing that sometimes . . . anyway, there's practically nothing to do in dimensional limbo, at least for a guy like me that's not into the whole 'fighting every other Saurian you come across' thing. I'd rather focus my energy on surviving, thank you very much, not rushing headlong into things just to get myself killed. Which isn't to say the limbo is preferable to death, however . . . half the time I envied those who were lucky enough to die, it meant they didn't have to suffer anymore. Eh, but most of the time I was just glad it was them and wasn't me . . . let's just say I have this kinda irrational fear of dying and leave it at that, okay?
So anyway, I hooked up with Dragaunus just because it was better than anything else I could think of at the time. I certainly didn't think he'd actually get us out of limbo, gods know how many had tried by that point, but somehow, someway, he got the Raptor the hell outta there. I think it was just him stubbornly refusing to give up on it . . . ol' Draggy can be an annoyingly persistent bastard if he really puts his mind to it . . .
But enough about the boss for now, hows about I get to the other two lizards in our little group, Siege and Wraith?
Hrm, what can I say about Siege, really? He's big, he's tough, he doesn't take any shit from anybody, and he can turn a duck into a feathery pancake with one stomp . . . yeah, that sums him up nicely. He's like the ultimate 'dumb grunt soldier boy', he always follows orders and loves his job of kicking ass and taking names. Almost the total opposite of me, really . . . of all of us, Siege is the most loyal to Dragaunus. Wraith usually questions orders or finds the holes in the boss's plans, and I usually just don't give a rat's ass . . .
As for Wraith . . . sometimes
I understand him all too well, and other times I don't get him at all.
He's something of a survivor like myself, considering he's lived longer
than any of us. There's probably stories still floating around dimensional
limbo about him . . . he's probably done more and seen more strange things
in his lifetime than I ever will. But the one thing I don't understand
is his obsession with magic and the Saurian dark powers. I mean, what's
so great about magic when our technology can do nearly all of what it can