Well, hello there . . . *kicks Corel Photohouse for giving her such a hard time editing the above image* Damn finicky graphics software . . . I bet if Kagato-sama wrote any programs like that, they'd work better than anything we've got. 'Course, it would probably respond to mental commands instead of having to use the keyboard and mouse . . . not to mention being capable of destroying a small planet all by itself . . .
But I'm getting a bit off-topic in my ranting . . . Welcome to my little shrine to the almighty Kagato, one of the coolest anime villians I've ever seen!!
Who is this guy, anyway?-- the gratuitous info page . . . Who Kagato is, what powers he has, and so on . . . Augh! The profile I linked to is down, and I still don't have mine written! And since I refuse to take my copy of that other page and put it on here, guess you guys are gonna have to wait . . .
Fics!-- Fanfiction with Kagato in a central role . . . but rest assured; a certain infamous lemon fic will never be shown here!! All text files have been HTML-ed for your convienience!
Pics!-- Loads of Kagato pics, found on various searches across the Net . . . I will soon have more pics in here; give me some time and I'll find some new ones!